5 Benefits of Using a Secure Email Service for Your Business

5 Benefits of Using a Secure Email Service for Your Business

Email has long been the backbone of business communication, connecting teams, clients, and partners across the globe. However, as cyber threats continue to rise, ensuring the security of your company’s emails is no longer optional—it’s essential. Cyber criminals are now utilizing artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of their malicious campaigns, intensifying the risk. In this article, we will explore practical reasons why your business should embrace a secure email service.

1. Encryption for Sensitive Business Communication

As a business, it is highly likely that you are dealing with a significant amount of sensitive data, including that of your customers, clients, and partners. Encryption is an essential tool for securing such sensitive business communication, as it converts email content into an unreadable format during transmission, making it accessible only to the intended recipients. With encryption, confidential client proposals, financial reports, legal documents, and healthcare information, such as patient data, can all be protected.

StartMail provides PGP encryption, enabling your message to be read only by intended recipients, while password-protected emails can also be sent, even to people who do not use encryption. It is also possible to configure your IMAP email client to use end-to-end encryption, adds another layer of protection to your data, and sensitive information is kept in a personal vault, preventing unauthorized access.

2. Protect Your Sensitive Data from Cyber Threats

Phishing scams, malware attacks, and hacking attempts are just a few of the dangers that can wreak havoc on the data of your business, with data breaches having spiked by 72% since 2021 and an average recorded cost of $9.48 million per breach in the US.

Fortunately, StartMail offers a number of robust security measures to protect your data. For example, our malicious link protection feature prevents you from clicking on potentially malicious external links in emails by displaying the full web address, allowing you to make informed decisions. Sender blocking and spam filtering features enable you to automatically block messages from unwanted senders and keep your inbox clean and organized. We also prioritize privacy by blocking tracking pixels, hiding external images by default, and concealing your IP address in email headers to prevent tracking. All these measures are crucial in safeguarding your business's sensitive data.

3. Email Aliases and Shared Aliases

Email aliases provide an alternative way to manage your communication. An email alias is essentially an additional address linked to your primary account. For instance, you might have an alias for sales inquiries (like sales@example.com) and another for customer support (such as support@example.com). Shared aliases take this concept further by allowing multiple team members to access and respond from the same alias address. This streamlines communication within different departments, creates temporary addresses for specific projects, and helps control spam. StartMail offers unlimited email aliases with all accounts.

4. Enhanced Security

According to research, 37% of small business owners are concerned about falling victim to a cyber attack in the year ahead, with 48% of small and mid-size businesses globally having experienced a cybersecurity incident in the past year. Beyond immediate financial losses, downtime disrupts customer service, erodes trust, and tarnishes your brand. A secure email service acts as a shield, ensuring uninterrupted operations and safeguarding against such pitfalls. In fact, using a secure email provider demonstrates to the outside world that your business takes the protection of its digital assets seriously.

5. Comply With Regulations and Preserve Customer Trust

Compliance with data protection laws and privacy regulations is critical for the successful operation of a digital business. Research shows that 81% of consumers would stop engaging with a business after a data breach. A secure email service not only aligns with necessary guidelines but also builds trust with your customers, increasing brand loyalty and generating positive word-of-mouth. As a trusted provider of privacy solutions for over ten years, StartMail offers a reliable and secure email service that has gained the trust of users worldwide. Your data is protected by GDPR, the most rigorous privacy standards, and is securely stored on our self-hosted servers located in the Netherlands, eliminating any risks of your information being sent flying through the cloud.

A secure email service is no longer optional, but essential for businesses to protect their sensitive data, comply with regulations, preserve customer trust, and maintain uninterrupted operations. StartMail’s business plan offers a range of features that safeguard your data and prioritize your privacy, enabling you to conduct your business with confidence.

StartMail Business Plan vs. Google Workspace: Which is More Private?

When comparing email services, StartMail’s business plan stands out as a privacy-focused alternative to Google Workspace. While Google Workspace offers a collection of productivity, and collaboration tools, StartMail focuses on its core competency: privacy and security for email. Unlike Google, which collects user data as part of its core business model, StartMail, as a European-based service, adheres to a strict no-ads, no-tracking policy and prioritizes confidentiality.

Here are the key differences:

  • Email Aliases: StartMail supports unlimited aliases, making it easy to protect your primary email address or organize communication within your team. In comparison, Google Workspace limits aliases to 30.

  • Domain Flexibility: With StartMail you can connect multiple domains under a single account, making it perfect for managing different online ventures. Google typically requires separate accounts for each domain.

  • Shared Email Aliases: StartMail enables multiple users to share an email alias, facilitating better collaboration. Google does not offer this functionality.

  • Alias Privacy: StartMail ensures the privacy of its aliases, whereas aliases in Google Workspace may be visible to other users during searches.

  • Data privacy: When choosing an email provider for privacy, it is important to consider how they handle your data. StartMail is based in the Netherlands, strictly adheres to privacy regulations and does not collect or share data for advertising purposes, while Google's Gmail collects and keeps records of email activity for targeted advertising. StartMail deletes user logs after seven days to ensure privacy and security.

If privacy matters to your business, StartMail is a compelling choice. For more insights, check out our article comparing Gmail and StartMail.

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